Course curriculum

    1. Course Goals

    2. How to Complete This Course

    3. Setting Up Your Agent Profile

    4. Setting Up Your Social Media

    5. Welcome to Your Homepage

    6. Confirming Your Notification Settings

    7. Resources

    1. Property Site Tour

    2. Listing Video

    3. Posted Tour Email

    1. Social Media Statistics

    2. Social Calendar & Custom Posting

    3. Edit Post Settings

    4. Pending Posts

    5. Expired Social Media Tokens

    6. Resources

    1. Announce an Open House

    2. Live Chat Overview

    3. LeadBee System

    4. QR Code

    5. Resources

    1. Print Center Overview

    2. Presentation Flyer

    1. Lead Notifications

    2. Viewing Your Leads

About this course

  • Free
  • 28 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content